Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Just In the Past Month!

Well, well, well....

I haven't blogged in a long time! So much going on. Paige graduated from Esthetician school, turned 21 on May 4 and on the same night as her big birthday bash at On the Border in Texarkana...she got engaged! Can you believe it? My baby girl is engaged. They have set a date, but I am not telling, because it has been changed a couple of times and could be again before it is all said and done. I am happy for them. Oh..her fella's name is Jonathan Beckett. He is still in college so it will be a while before they get married.

So, I just got back from Rochester, New York, visiting Todd, Yaicha and Jackson for his FIRST BIRTHDAY party! Everyone was there except for Vance. :( He had to stay back here for good ole Alcoa.) They are talking strike and he can't be far away in case there is a walk off. But we managed to have a good time without him, but thought about him often. Melissa was able to come up from Austin for the special occasion as well and while she was there she dropped the bomb on me of her moving to Rochester! WHAT???? My "Texas forever" girl moving to the north? I thought I would never hear of the day. Well...it will be nice to have the two older girls in the same city so I can visit both at one time instead of having to go from one end of the country to the other just to see them.

Jackson loved his cake. Yaicha made him a Cookie Monster cake in honor of the Cookie Monster cake I made her for her first birthday. I was quite impressed with her skills. Melissa of course captured all the moments with her awesome photography skills. All in all it was a great time.

Paige and I had a blast being silly on the way home. It was fun just to have some "Paige" time all to myself. She is so funny. I love to laugh with her. I can't believe she will be moving out of the house soon. She is moving back to Texas so she can be close to Jonathan, her finace. (So weird to think that). I will really miss her.

I am always sad to leave my girls. I wish we could all live in the same city. I am jealous that other people know my grandson better than I do. All the ladies at Yaicha's church just go crazy over him. I can see why though. They just can't help it. He is so smart, cute and lovable.

Grammy and V-Daddy got him a huge puppy dog and a four-wheeler, and some other things, for his birthday. I must say he loved the four-wheeler. He was so proud of himself when he got on it by himself for the first time. Mainly he loves pushing the "noisy" buttons. Muhahahahah!!!

When we were in Texarkana we remodeled Vance's mom's bathroom. WOW!! What a lot of work. I did things I had never done before. We hung beadboard, replaced the counter, sink and faucet, replaced plumbing for the toilet in the wall and the drain, put down a new floor, replaced the light fixture and Vance built a shelf to put in the wall to replace the gas heater that was there. We hung a shade in the window, a new shower curtain, painted and caulked. I had boards dropped on my toes, I was hit in the head, and Vance put a nail through my finger with the nail gun...but I kept on working!!! It was a lot of work but a lot of fun. Ramona was happy with the finished product and that is what mattered most.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

This is a bad one.

It is the phone call that no parent ever wants to get about their child. Right after midnight on June 26th (which would be June 27th) Vance's phone rang and it was a friend of Paige that she was out with. He said that they had been riding 4-wheelers and had an accident. They were riding side by side going pretty slow and the other 4-wheeler bumped the front wheel of the one Paige was riding on the back of, it jerked and threw her off backwards head first on to asphalt. (Not wearing a helmet I must add! At first they didn't think it was bad and then she passed out. They ended up calling an ambulance and we raced to the hospital to meet them there. It was very hard seeing my baby come riding in on a stretcher from an ambulance. I was in denial that anything bad was wrong. It just doesn't happen does it? They said they were taking her to the head trauma unit, and had put her on a ventilator. I thought I was dreaming. We finally got to see her. Walking into the room seeing her laying there in pain, on a ventilator, covered in blood and vomit was not the picture I had imagined before walking in there. My faith was put to the test. God did heal her quickly becaise of all our dear friends and family praying for her healing. God is so good. She went off the ventilator after 2 days and was home in 7 days. Even the doctors were amazed at her progress!! She will go for her next MRI this Friday to find out if she can go back to work and school. She still has bad headaches, vision trouble and doesn't taste food. That should all return with time. Thanks to all who called, texted, e-mailed, prayed, visited and worried right along with us. We love you all truly and could have never survived this tragedy without you and God's healing hand.

It's Been Awhile, But Alot Has Happened

Well, it has been awhile since we have updated our blog, however, in our defense, there has been alot going on. I was in New York with Yaicha and Todd for a month in May. Jackson Henry Schuler was born on May 29 and it was a rough one. Poor Yaicha was in labor for 20 hours and pushed for 30 minutes before the doctors decided she wasn't made for having babies and decided she needed to have a c-section. We had been up for 2 whole days and all were exhausted, but elated, that Jackson had finally arrived. He is absolutely beautiful and perfect. He is so talented already. He holds his head up very well and can make the cutest little faces. Clearly a man of many talents.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Going Back to Texas(for a visit)

Well, we are heading back from whence we came. Here we come T-town! We are excited about seeing all our family and friends. I just can't wait to get my hair done. It is looking a little rough. We have been talking about all the restaurants we MUST visit. TaMolly's, Baker Bros., Subies, Dixie Diner, Lee's China. We miss our TEX-MEX!!! Some things are just hard to let go of. I have been afraid to find a hair dresser, dog groomer and Dentist. Go figure. Anyway, we will be doing some sonny-do things for Vance's mom around her house, but you can believe we will also be out and about the town as well. I don't know if we will be doing a driveby at the old homestead or not. I don't know if I am ready for that or not. I can't bear to see changes to what I did to the house even though I know it is inevitable. We will post some pics of our visit when we get back. Going home is "Twice as Nice".

Friday, February 20, 2009

Opening Day 2009

Well it's that time of year again. The smell of leather and pine tar. The smell of fresh grass and well you know. Its Major League Baseball time!! Opening night is April 5th with the Philadelphia Phillies hosting the Atlanta Braves.
One thing this year is the World Baseball Classic will begin on March 5th but the USA doesn't play until March 7th. They will take on Canada at 1:00PM.